Tuesday, April 5, 2011

FAIL... but at least I was warm in my new suit!

So, Saturday, April 2nd, I made my first attempt at kiting the spring season.  I am itching to get out there, so even though it was a warm 47 degrees Fahrenheit, I headed out for the season opener with my two buddies, Ross and Jeff Loki.

As, the title of the post suggests, I picked up a NPX Zealot 5/4/3. I love it.  So much easier to get on and off, especially off, than my Mystic suit that is all shark skin.  Here is what Ben Wilson has to say about the suit.

Anyways, the three of us head to Jetty island on a cold, somewhat rainy day....however, a northerly push was expected when a convergence zone passed up Everett followed by a high pressure system.

Needless to say, when we get there it starts hailing.  Does this deter us in any way?  Not a chance, especially with a still slightly drunk and close to being hungover, Ross, who willingly pumps up the inflatable and offer to row across.

The hail and drizzle stops, the high pressure moves in and it ramps up to a good 20mph.  I grab my 10m RPM and my board at Ross's insistence that I hurry up.  The inflatable does not have much extra room with 2 guys and gear...let alone multiple kites and boards.

I thought about taking my Liquid Force Twin Skim and my 13m Octane.......and here is where I made the big mistake...... In a hurry with the wind howling....I say screw it and leave them both.


I get to the island and it dies off.  Everyone else pumps up their big kites...13-15 meter kites, and head out.  Good thing their session only lasted 15-20min, so I was not near as miserable.

However, regardless of bringing a big kite and big board.... Jetty island essentials!!!...I had already made a huge mistake!  I had forgotten my kite leash...FAIL x 2!!!!

Somebody please put me out of my misery.  Ok, maybe it wasn't that bad. Everyone else was hella cold after getting wet...and since I was dry, I was warm and toasty. 

Another kiter even made me feel slightly better when he said to me, "You were the smart one waiting it out to see if the wind really kicked in....I'm hella cold bro."

I just left it at that...yeah right, I am the "smart one".

Anyways, first day out...epic FAIL...but we all have those once in a while.  Let's call it spring cleaning....or getting the rust out of the kiting system.  I can tell you this much though....when I got home, I walked in the house and walked right back out...leash in hand....and put that SOB in my car so as not to make that mistake twice.

Next stop....I need a powered ride to Jetty Island.  In the works!

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