Monday, September 27, 2010

Cabarete - Day 10 (recap)

Day 10:

After an epic day yesterday, I am stoked for a repeat today.  Don't ask me what day of the week it is by this time in my vacation, because I have fully unplugged at this point.  Yes, I am fully immersed in relaxation during the morning and evening, with action packed wind chasing days!

Today's plan is to head into Cabarete after eating some food, then stop by Laurel Eastman's kite school to inquire about the pool party which will be tomorrow night, then get on the water for some riding.

What do Sean and I make for lunch / breakfast you might ask?  Well, we made a smoked fish, cheese & tomato sandwich...and yes, it was Oh So delicious!

smoked reef fish, cheese and tomato sandwich

You might not believe me when I tell you the sandwich kicked major arse...but look at our faces.  Mmmmm mmmmm good.

After that we head for downtown Cabarete.  Becky and I stop and get our picture in front of IKO headquarters.

IKO headquarters behind us

Then we continue on to Cabarete.

On the way we get stopped by a local vendor who has approached us to come into his shop every trip into town.  Each time he gives us a new name, but it always has "Snoop Doggy" as the beginning part of his name, then he ends it with a letter.  Today it was Snoop Doggy P.  Rather than going into his store, I do give him some attention by dropping a phatty beat for him to rap over, cause you know I got the wicked beat-box skillz!

By this time we are hot and thirsty so we stop for a cold Presidente.

After cooling off with a beer, we continue our journey.   We stop into a surf store that smells of sea water and board wax.  Becky gets herself a cool waterproof digital watch that she now loves and can wear kiting.  The best part of the surf store is the sign outside.

After wandering around Cabarete the wind starts to pick up so it is time to hit the beach and walk back to F10.  We also plan to stop and talk to Laurel about the party the following night.

On the beach the action has started.

When we get to Laurel's school, she just happens to be heading back out for another session...her kite buddy is none other than Sir Richard Branson (if you don;t know who this is...well, google him).  I approach him and as for a group picture which he obliges.  He is extremely down to earth for a billionaire!

After the group pic we huff it down to F10.  Within minutes I have my kite up and I am on the water.  I am fully pumped and ready to use my new upwind skills to work my way up to Laurel and Sir Branson and kite around the two. 

I get up there in about 15 minutes (1 mile upwind or so) and spend the next 45min to 1hr riding in the same vicinity with Laurel and Sir Branson.  So, now I guess I can say that I have kited with the both of them.  I even went by Sir Branson whooping and hollering...and I got a good "whoop whoop" out if him as well as he shared his stoke with me.

When they get off the water I head back to kite beach and take a break at F10.  Later on, after the crowds clear out, I return for a sunset session.  Myself and 3 other kiters ride by ourselves....flat water, 10m crowd.....silky smooth wind.  Oh, it doesn't get any better!!!!  Unfortunately all the pics Becky took suck because it was too dark out....well, one came out marginally good.  Oh well..a good pic will come someday.

After cleaning up, showering, and having a drink or two, we give Alex a call and make plans to head down to Sosua to party and dance it up.  We get a hold of Jr. to come get us and take us to Alex's house. 

I bring a 1/2 gallon of Rum, Brugal (my favorite in D.R.), a pack or two of cigars, and we have Jr. stop and get coke and ice on the way to pick us up.  Needless to say, after polishing off most of the 1/2 gallon, we end up deciding to just chill.  Alex and Mary offer to let us stay at their beautiful home.  Becky and I get a great room, and Sean gets his own room as well.  So, since we aren't going anywhere else, the party continues on.  We get some great pictures. 

Since we are out in the country, and sitting exposed on the outdoor porch drinking and smoking, Alex brings out some protection, of which we waste no time in using as a prop.  Enjoy!

Rum and Guns -- need I say more?

that's my can see why I married her!!!

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