Thursday, August 25, 2011

Puerto Rico trip (day 4)

As you can see in the above picture...yes, I do pump up and ride all is well that ends well.

However, when I woke up this morning I was not, I repeat, NOT a happy camper.  No joke, since I missed yesterday I woke up at least 4 or 5 times during the night only to notice that it was still windy, and I was crossing my fingers it would stay that way.  That being said, when I get up it is not windy.  And who is guessed it, ME. 

At this point I pretty much felt like a dumb ass to myself for not riding the day before, and done the responsible kiter thing to do and have planned to see Old San Juan today.  A day that I should be tired as hell from the previous day's perfect conditions....which I am not.  :(

As every kiteboarder learns at some point; "Get the wind while the getting is good."  That is to say, there is no counting on the get it while you can.  You can always plan to site-see after you are 1) to tired and sore from riding everyday, or 2) if and when there is a no wind day.

So, yeah...I am pissed.  Needless to say it shows in my attitude, and as such I rub both roommates a little wrong when they wake up...why, because like I said, yesterday was EPIC...and today is looking like it will be crap.

Am I wrong...well sort of.  Thanks to Tropical Storm Emily around 11am the wind picks up.  Gusty yes.  Holey at times.  But still, the sand is blowing sideways when it fully ramps.  That's right.  I have to pump Becky's 8m up and I hope it doesn't become even stronger since the 8m is the smallest kite we brought with us.

Here is a video of me pumping the 8m Royal Era.  You can see how much sand is being blown around...nice and windy!

So yes, I get out there and as I already mentioned, it was definitely gusty, a little holey at times.  I am reminded a lot of the conditions in the Gorge.  Once again I was riding all by my lonesome.  In these conditions it was totally apparent to myself that I was riding solo.  While it was a rush at times, jumping huge way out was a bit scary at times.  There was not going to be someone coming to the rescue on a jet ski if I run into a problem.

I do ride for a good while and tried to come in and jump for Becky and Sean...and random beach goers who seem as if they have never seen the sport of kiteboarding.   I was hoping to get some good pictures or videos jumping. However, it is hard to get a good pic since like most of the beaches on Puerto Rico, Isla Verde also has a buoy system that designates the swimming area.  And while going through it to get out is not an issue, in the spirit of preserving access it is still not a wise place to jump in.  So yeah, not much video, however Becky did manage to catch me crashing....


While riding I could see other kiters about 2-3 miles downwind...maybe 5.  So after I wore myself out, and the wind backed down to 10m, I came back in and washed up for lunch.

We decide that tomorrow we will buss it up to Ocean Park to see if that is where the kiters downwind of me are riding at.  Becky and I plan to join them...however, we also know that Tropical Storm Emily may be about to wreck the wind and weather conditions...but we are crossing our fingers.

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