I am an up and coming kiteboarder..... and this blog is to be the venue for sharing my journey from a teabagging, music producing, tech support engineer, hailing from Seattle to a kiteboarding
intructor and business owning, island dweller enjoying the rest of his life with his kiteboarding wife (and future child) where I plan to make beautiful music expressing the love of life while enjoying the wind and waves for the rest of my days.
I know, it sounds cheesy and a bit too perfect....but really that is how I see my life ending up...surreal.....but isn't that just how the sport of kiteboarding is? Surreal, too perfect to be true.... Yes, I think that about nails it.
So, with that mind set to announce the start of this show.......my wife and I plan to manifest our goal and dream of becomming kiteboard instructors, moving to an island, and starting a business that caters to tourists looking to get into the most amazing sport ever, as well as those that want to visit paradise and get the chance to kiteboard all the hidden jems that for the most part only the locals get to enjoy.
Stay tuned.... updates should be frequent...and hopefully inspiring to others.
Follow your dreams and manefest the future you want.
PS: Want to learn to kiteboard? Get yourself started with a BEST 3m trainer kite
and start practicing. You will need at least 5 hours on a trainer to get your kite control skills down to the point of being able to take your first lesson with a full sized 4 line kite.
I am an up and coming kiteboarder..... and this blog is to be the venue for sharing my journey from a teabagging, music producing, tech support engineer, hailing from Seattle to a kiteboarding
I know, it sounds cheesy and a bit too perfect....but really that is how I see my life ending up...surreal.....but isn't that just how the sport of kiteboarding is? Surreal, too perfect to be true.... Yes, I think that about nails it.
So, with that mind set to announce the start of this show.......my wife and I plan to manifest our goal and dream of becomming kiteboard instructors, moving to an island, and starting a business that caters to tourists looking to get into the most amazing sport ever, as well as those that want to visit paradise and get the chance to kiteboard all the hidden jems that for the most part only the locals get to enjoy.
Stay tuned.... updates should be frequent...and hopefully inspiring to others.
Follow your dreams and manefest the future you want.
PS: Want to learn to kiteboard? Get yourself started with a BEST 3m trainer kite
Great plan, Ryan & Becky! Hakuna matata to ya - can't wait until we're all back out on the water living the dream. -Marktron